Welcome to Story Heart School!

Storytelling is the original tool for human connection. Touch your listeners: customers, clients, colleagues, audiences, friends, family; with stories. Connect, persuade, influence. Tell stories and touch your listeners so they act.

THE BOSS: The Business Owner’s Story

Your purpose and what you value – your story – defines how you build and run your business. It sets the stage for your business growth and success, and the best return on your effort and investment.

What is your story? What is your purpose beyond making profits? What do you value?   

Create a brand based on your story so that customers love your product and spread their love throughout your market.

Touch your listeners with stories.
Connect. Persuade. Influence.

Engage listeners and get your desired response with stories, the original tool for human connection. Apply a foolproof 5-step process to tell a 5-sentence story on the fly, the core for all your storytelling needs. Learn how stories work. Deepen your stories as you connect with your inner self and your listeners. Connect. Persuade. Influence. Empower.

Write Your Story!

Craft your message—the core of what you say and how you say it—for your business or your personal story; a consistent core for all your communication; so people listen and respond.

For business growth: Write your brand story, so customers will love your product and spread their love throughout your market. 

For personal growth: Uncover your personal story, see it with the past and today’s lens, reimagine it forward.

Write your brand story. People will connect with you, love your product, and spread their love.

You’ve worked hard and you offer an excellent product or service. To grow your business, you need customers to love your product and spread their love throughout your market. People connect with people—your product or service needs a personality. Just like Apple is sophisticated, Google is competent, and Red Bull is exciting, your product needs a story and personality. When people think of your product, their gut feelings need to be what you planned for them to feel. What they say about your product is also planned and crafted by you.
WRITE YOUR BRAND STORY WORKBOOK is a tool to create your brand personality and message—the core of what you say and how you say it, and how your customers will love your product and spread their love— consistently—in all your marketing and sales—your website, social media, newsletters, PR announcements, advertising, promotions— all communications—including how your chat box speaks when you use one and how your staff answer the phone.
No brand personality= no engagement= low or no sales.

WRITE YOUR BRAND STORY WORKBOOK is a step-by-step worksheets, to craft your brand, connect and engage your customers, and grow your business.

Mahani Zubedy created brand stories for Coke, KFC and Cadbury’s. She works with business owners to create a brand based on their stories, so customers love their products and spread the love throughout the market.

She started StorySistas where women gather to share stories.

Join Thursday Stories

Third Thursdays, 12 PM to 1 PM, come hear or tell a 5 minute story

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This month's: Lucille Ball and why I love Lucy!

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