Storytelling to Connect & Persuade: AKA The Original Tool For Human Connection

Touch your listeners with stories

Storytelling to Connect & Persuade Workshop

Need to be succinct at work?  Or tell your Founder’s story? Want to pique a customer’s interest? Instruct or amuse someone or some people? Want to share your point of view? Going for a job interview? Meeting new friends? Illustrate an abstract idea or concept. Resolve a conflict?  Want to be heard?  Tell a story.

What you get

  • A foolproof 5-step fill in the blank process to tell a compelling five-sentence story on the fly, a framework for all your storytelling needs.
  • Learn to connect with your inner self and with others.
  • Learn to use your voice to persuade and influence listeners.
  • Develop the skill of seeing your past with today’s lens, and reimagine your present, which opens you to change and the future.

What you learn

  • why stories are powerful/ your brain on story
  • how to design a story/ the 3 elements
  • how to tell a story that connects and persuades/the 5 steps
  • extra sauce: show don’t tell, dialog, time, sensory details

Who should attend

Women and men who want to use the power of stories to connect with themselves and with others. To persuade clients, customers, colleagues, friends, family. This online workshop is every Friday from Noon to 2PM. Email for more information. 

The program

The science behind stories. Your brain not on story and your brain on story. Dr. Uri Hasson’s experiment and the connection between storyteller’s and story listeners’ brain activities during storytelling, and why storytelling is powerful.

The 3 elements of purposeful storytelling.

The 5-step storytelling process and how to use each step.

Fill in the blanks/Tell a 5-sentence story on the fly.

Show don’t tell—how show don’t tell taps into the senses and powers your story. Checking in with your body and using your senses.

Using time—to ground the story, to move the story, to enrich the story by standing still.

Voice—accents, dialog, sound, rhythm, humor

Taking care of you, and your listeners—determining if you are scratching a wound, scab, or scar.

Tell your 5-sentence story using one or more of the following: show don’t tell, sensory detail, time, voice.

Storytelling to Connect & Persuade Workshop

Touch your listeners with stories