A story is information that creates feelings through our senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and space.
In this Pepsi poster, a bowl of chips becomes a hand reaching out for an ice-cold can of Pepsi. You can feel the cold can in your palm, hear the fizz as the can opens, and feel the crisp taste of fizz run down your throat. The smell of cola may even tickle your nose. The exciting design is bold and ultra-modern, cutting-edge, appealing to teens and young adults, Pepsi’s target customers. Pepsi satisfies their thirst and the need to be part of a daring,” in” crowd.
This Facebook ad by Daily Burn, a virtual gym, is for postpartum Moms. You see a young woman in a bright pink top balancing on a blue mat. A first-time Mom can feel a sense of loss of self after a new baby. In this ad, she stands out in a burst of color amongst the white surroundings, her palms pressed on the soft cushiony rubber mat seem reassuring as she finds her balance, both on the mat and in her new life as a new mother caring for a new life and for herself as a woman. The story told here is compelling and engaging for new mothers. It speaks of the need to exercise to get back in shape and the need to acknowledge herself as an individual now that her life will forever change.