Brand Personality by Archetype

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Because brands today connect with customers person (brand) to person (customer), your brand needs a personality to engage emotionally with your customer. Your Brand Personality is the human qualities of your brand.

Using archetypes can help determine human characteristics that reflect your brand. Answer four questions below to help determine your brand archetype:

1. Which pair of words best describe your brand?
Approachable and for Everyone
Inspirational and Magical
Bold and Adventurous
Passionate and Loving
A Winner and Driven
Imaginative and Talented
Caring and Considerate
Radical and Different
Insightful and Knowledgeable
Playful and Amusing
Leadership and Influence
Goodness and Happiness

2. Which of the following need does your brand offer your customers the most?
Sense of Belonging

3. How does your brand help your customers?
It offers people Freedom or Escapism
It helps people have Fun and Enjoy life
It offers Safety and Protection
It Educates or helps people Realize their Potential
It Motivates people to Achieve or be Better
It helps people Create and Inspire
It Leads the Way
It Breaks Conventions and the Status Quo
Gives people a sense of Belonging and Acceptance
It Transforms people’s Lives or Amazes them
It helps people Enjoy and Realize the Child within them
Makes people feel Loved, Wanted, and Indulged

4. Which is your brand archetype? Choose one.
The Everyman
The Magician
The Explorer
The Lover
The Hero
The Creator
The Caregiver
The Rebel
The Sage
The Jester
The Ruler
The Innocent

This is a start to developing your brand personality. A base to build one. It is not unusual to have a combination of archetypes. If archetypes are not your thing, no worries, there are other ways to determine your brand characteristics.


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