SMART goal setting gives direction, aligns your efforts, and allows you to measure results.
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. By taking these different aspects into account when setting your goals, you’ll have direction on steps to take.
Your goal needs to be as specific as possible. If it is vague, it will leave you confused about how to move forward. For example, if your goal is to “get sales,” it’s not specific. A better, more specific goal is “I want to get X number of products or services sold by Y date.” With a clear number in mind, it’s easier to direct your actions.
Identify a way to measure your goal. Measurements tell you if you are on the right track. Think about the different metrics or milestones you’ll be using to measure your success. Some numbers like sales or subscribers are easy to measure. If your goal is to increase website user experience, for example, you will need to use tools like Google Analytics.
Thinking big is great. Are your goals realistic and actionable? Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Ask yourself the right questions. How has your progress been so far? Do you have the time, and tools you need to achieve your goal? Do you have support or funds to get support? What are potential barriers that could arise? What small step is achievable? What comes after that?
Set goals that are relevant to your brand and your vision. Clearly state your company vision for yourself and for everyone in your team to genuinely understand the motive behind each goal. Identify where the goal fits in with current priorities to determine if it’s truly something you should be focusing on.
An effective SMART goal needs to have a clear target date and time frame. Without a concrete deadline in mind, you’ll be less productive and will have less sense of urgency to get things done. Is it three months, six months, or one year from now? Setup specific steps to achieve your goals.