Brand Map

Brand Map/Brand Positioning Map/Perceptual Brand Map is a visual plotting of brands on X and Y axes showing how brands are perceived by customers. The axes are brand attributes that matter to the customers. Create multiple maps using different pairs of brand attributes relevant to your product or service. The maps evaluate your brand, competitors, and the overall market, showing the strengths and weaknesses of all the brands, and revealing gaps and opportunities for differentiation. Brand Maps reveal insights into competitors and the market and show where and how your brand can be different and better.

1. What do people look for when buying your product or service and your competitors’? List 8-10 attributes.
2. List at least 5 competitors.
3. Rate competitors from 1-10 against your listed attributes. Rate your brand.
4. Plot maps

Attributes examples:

Packaged Food: healthy, convenient, aesthetics/presentation/packaging, freshness, taste, texture, ingredients, nutritional content

Shoes: comfort, style, fit, material, where made, who made, material source, sizing, occasion

Dentist: cleanliness, friendliness, ease of making appointments, wait time, location/s, insurance coverage, services offered


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